The following incidents were reported between June 12 – June 18



Petty Theft

An estimated $430 worth of personal items were stolen from a vehicle parked near Paradise Cove. The victim said the backpack that had their belongings had an apple ID tag and was pinged in the area of Woodland Hills. There were no security cameras available for evidence. 


Grand Theft

A designer purse and bracelet were stolen from a guest dining at Nobu Malibu. The victim was sitting at the bar and had her purse hanging over the right side of the chair. The purse was worth $3,500 and the bracelet was worth $5,000. The security footage showed the suspect placed their blue denim jacket over the victim’s purse, took the purse and exited the location. The suspect walked eastbound on Pacific Coast Highway. The suspect was wearing a mask and was described as a Hispanic male, wearing a blue and yellow collared shirt, and black pants.



A vehicle parked near Bonsall Drive was broken into and ransacked. The victim said the key hole was punched and an estimated $4,250 worth of belongings and multiple credit cards were stolen. There were no security cameras available for evidence. 


Grand Theft

A vehicle parked near Nicholas Beach was broken into and an iPhone was stolen. The victim said they left their vehicle unlocked prior to leaving the vehicle and said there was no damage made to the vehicle. There were no security cameras available for evidence.